Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday, Barry Zito!

"Zito is the poster child of how athletes get caught in long-term challenging planetary cycles.... Certain planetary alignments can create cycles of low physical vitality and low psychological energy, as well as feelings of discouragement, vulnerability and depression. This dark night of the soul for Zito will continue throughout the entire 2008 season." -Andrea Mallis, Sports Astrologer
Just as time heals all wounds, so does it move the celestial bodies that conspire for or against our individual and collaborative destinies. This will be an exciting and highly successful year for Tauruses working in the entertainment industry, with the second half of the year yielding even more rewards than the first. Capricorn provides a steadfast and responsible father figure for Taurus, resulting in a stable and prosperous pairing. With Jenni managing Barry Zito on her Grinnell College Fantasy Team, the two will enjoy 20+ wins, a rock solid ERA, and a golden trophy in 2010. The universe will take care of you. The universe is full of love. The universe put you together to be Fantasy Baseball Champions.

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